Developments is DAI’s newsletter. News and feature articles, opinion pieces, and interviews highlight DAI projects and offer insight into global development issues of the day.

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Blended Finance for SME Growth: Evidence from Nepal

Recent experience on two DAI-managed projects in Nepal illustrates the significant potential of blended finance in spurring growth in small and medium-sized enterprises.


The Silent Killer: The Impact of Illicit Financial Flows on Environmental Destruction (Part I)

Environmental damage is often caused by organized crime organizations, which are destroying critical rainforests to plant drugs, trafficking illegally sourced natural resources, or laundering illicit funds through seemingly legitimate use of the land.


communications team

1 month ago | 3 min read

Boosting Agricultural Productivity and Expanding Market Access in Mozambique

Mozambique’s abundant arable land holds immense but largely untapped potential. Most farmers are trapped in subsistence farming, relying on traditional methods and constrained by limited access to the improved seeds, fertilizers, and agricultural knowledge that would boost their low productivity.

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