By freely sharing what we learn, we have built a reputation as thought leaders who translate ideas into action. Developments is DAI’s newsletter, offering feature articles, opinion pieces, and interviews on DAI projects and global development issues. DIGITAL@DAI is our blog on what we're learning in the rapidly emerging field of ICT4D.
Webinar: Ukraine Should Strongly Prioritize EU Accession to Support Rapid Business Growth
Q&A with Public Finance Expert Nádia Hassamo: An Inside Look at Mozambique’s Path to Development
Opening the Taps of Credit: Lessons from a Credit Pilot in a High-Conflict Zone in Eastern DRC
From Fragmentation to Resilience: Ukraine's Non-Banking Sector Looks to a Stronger Future
DAI hosts ANDE West Africa Workshop: How Incubators & Accelerators Can Build Corporate Partnerships
USAID-Supported Enterprise in Ukraine Repairs Lung Ventilators for Use in COVID-19 Crisis
How Can We Support the Private Sector in Vulnerable and Developing Economies Following COVID-19?
COVID-19: Low-Cost Solutions to Maintain Engagement with Local Partners in the Supply Chain
Investments in Off-Grid Energy Businesses Are Bringing Electricity to Hundreds of Thousands in Kenya
Using a Market Systems Approach to Curb Human Trafficking and Irregular Migration in Nigeria
DFID Programme Helps Establish Business Equipment Leasing in Sub-Saharan Africa’s Largest Country
New Generation of EC Framework Contracts Offers Agile Programming for European Development Aid
$36 Million Investment Partnership Finances Warehouses in Malawi to Improve Food Security
Using Development Assistance to Catalyze Sound Investments in Emerging and Developing Markets
$93 Million Grain Deal Between East African Countries Demonstrates How the Region Can Feed Itself
Learning From Local Content Policies: Insights From a Study of Six Resource-Rich Countries
Unveiling a New Methodology for Measuring Market Systems and Their Impact on Local Development
Three Things That Really Mattered to Developing the Youth Workforce in Serbia’s Down Economy
Mining for Answers: Mozambique Weighs Options for a Practical, Profitable Local Content Policy